Sunday, 13 May 2012

An Introduction

Hello ! Welcome !

This blog will be an occasional wander through some of my favourite music which intentionally (or often unintentionally) has a mystical message at its heart.

First things first however - what is mysticism ?

Simply, mysticism is a world view in which all our experiences and senses reveal themselves as theophany. Put another way, direct experience of the divine is the definitive mystical experience. Once the mindset that the divine is immanent in absolutely everything becomes habitual, many amazing changes begin to occur!

For me, one small, unexpected change was that loads of my favourite songs took on entirely new meanings and I began to hear mystical messages in them. As far as I know this isn't an Aquarian conspiracy - although that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing - often I'm not sure the artists themselves realise the message their music contains!

At about the time I discovered that my world view had a name (and that it was mysticism) I was listening to 1 Giant Leap and a comment from Kurt Vonnegut the US philosopher really resonated:
"Music is, to me, proof of the existence of God. It is so extraordinarily full of magic, and in tough times of my life I can listen to music and it makes such a difference".

Ten years on and I've finally got round to sharing some of these musical discoveries with anyone who might be interested! I love music and am always very grateful when people introduce me to new stuff - so do contact me if you think there is music I should be listening to.



  1. You write very well. You should consider poetry or consider learing a musical instrument? On the concept of 'God' the modern theory being accepted is modern man is not capable of understanding the true essence of 'God' but take 'God' out of the equation of Intelligent Design then the answer 'what is God' bare more fruit.

  2. Thank you for your kind comment ! I do consider poetry quite a bit and you'll see me reference poetry in some of my interpretations. As for musical instruments, I do play the guitar a little and derive great satisfaction from it. I'm not sure I understand your last comment but if what you're saying is that intelligence is inherent to, and abundant in, the universe and that pervades a self-driven and active creation then we are on the same page! To quote Douglas Adams "Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it to"
